Sunday, May 1st 2022 | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Downtown Lodi On Pine Street near the Lodi Arch
- Booth Set-up by 10 AM
- Tasting & Pouring: 11 AM-2:00 PM
- Wine Barrel Racing: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
The Rules:
- Racing Barrel size will be the 59.5-gallon standard size used by wineries throughout the appellation.
- Racing Teams will be made up of TWO people representing their business or winery. Racers must be an owner or employee, or representative of the business.
- Barrels may be decorated or painted with your business logo or label.
- All racers must wear gloves. Shin guards, elbow pads, helmets are optional.
How to Play:
- All races will begin with a standing barrel in the marked “Barrel Stand Area”. At the starter’s bell, the first Racer person will lay the team barrel on its side and begin rolling through the course. After they cross the finish line, the 1st racer MUST stand the barrel in the Barrel Stand Area and tag their teammate before the 2nd racer roller can begin their lap. First team to complete the two laps and get the barrel in an upright position in the Barrel Stand Area the end of the race will win. Winning Team advances to the next round. Losing teams gets two free glasses of wine from winner.
- Barrels must be rolled not carried or moved any other way; they must be rolled (not using wheels either).
- All racers must participate in the pre-race events, which will include an introduction of racers & their winery, a parade around the hay bales for high fives from the fans, subjects of a great deal of any social media & televised promotion, etc.
- All racers will meet prior to the first bracket to review the course route and familiarize themselves with the rules listed below:
- Racer must follow the course as it is laid out & explained. If do not, they will be disqualified.
- No intentional contact between racing opponents. Intentional contact or vulgar comments will result in immediate disqualification.
- If accidental racer to racer contact occurs, racers are to separate immediately and finish the race.
- Racing Wineries will be bracketed in a blind drawing by race officials prior to the beginning of racing.
- Racers must be the same persons in all bracket heats, no substitutions. Judges can make an exception in case of injury.
Please Note:
- After the final race of the day, the winning team will be awarded a trophy to rest in their tasting room until the 2023 Crush Madness Wine Barrel Races.
- All pouring must cease by 2:30 PM. Deconstruction of the track will happen upon the conclusion of the awards ceremony.
The Chamber will be checking I.D.s, designating wristbands, and selling tickets for wine consumption:
- $1 tickets will be sold for 1 oz tastes. Spectators can buy as many as they like.
- A full pour (6 oz) will cost 6 drink tickets.
- Holders of a Type 81 license may offer patrons a bottle. Bottles MUST BE sold at the Chamber Office for off-site consumption (at buyers' home). Chamber office sales will close at 3:00 PM day of the race. You may leave a small quantity of bottles at the chamber office the week before the race. Please contact Marina Narvarte at to schedule a drop-off time.
THANK YOU to our Presenting Sponsor!