Welcome to the Ambassador Committee
Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of each month 8 AM in the Lodi Chamber Conference Room. The Lodi Chamber Ambassadors are the public face of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce. They are fully committed to the furtherance of community-based businesses, through welcoming new members to the Chamber, participating in Ribbon Cuttings and milestone anniversaries, volunteers and assisting with Chamber events. The Lodi Chamber Ambassadors do not miss the opportunity to network with businesses, new people, and connect with potential clients.
What Ambassadors Do
- Attend monthly Ambassador meetings – every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8 am.
- Circulate, greet and welcome new members.
- Attend and network at ribbon cuttings and grand openings.
- Volunteer for Chamber special events- Wine Stroll, Street Faire, Multi-Cultural, etc.
- Make introductions and invite participation among members and non-members.
- Assist with membership retention.
- Submit monthly point sheets to the secretary.
- Create a positive image for yourself and the Chamber.
Ambassador Eligibility Requirements
- Be a Chamber member in good standing.
- Attend consecutive Ambassador/New Member Orientation meetings.
- Attend the event, ribbon cutting, and/or delivery of membership plaque, stickers.
What Ambassadors Accomplish
It is the mission of the Ambassadors to promote the role of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce in the community while generating an atmosphere of goodwill among Chamber members, the business community, and in the community at large.
Ambassador of the Quarter
- Recognition at Ambassador Meeting/New Member Orientation.
- A picture with name/business and write-up on the Ambassador Facebook page.
- Eligibility for the Ambassador of the Year, replacing the Volunteer of Year award at the Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration at the beautiful Wine and Roses.
Ambassador Point System
Ambassador of the Quarter is determined by this points system:
- Sign up a new Chamber member 100 points.
- Attend Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening 25 points
- Attend Chew and Chat 10 points
- Presented a plaque or First dollar certificate 10 points.
- Volunteer at Chamber event 50 points