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What is Vision 2020?

Vision 2020 was an economic visioning project for the city of Lodi and is the volunteers’ combined vision of what they would like to see Lodi “be like, look like, and work like” in 2020, as well as their “must haves” for the community’s economic improvement for all Lodians. This project was conceived in 2014, was facilitated by, and managed in the future by the Lodi District Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors.

The five Vision Action Teams (VATs) that came from this project were as follows:

Workforce Development

Economic Competitiveness


Business & Community Health


Over the past six years, our community rallied together and completed 40 out of the 55 actions steps originally outlined in 2014. Quite an accomplishment! But as 2020 neared, we realized that there needed to be a new chapter, one that addressed issues that faced our community 2020 and beyond. From the five original Vision Action Teams, we combined the efforts at the end of 2018 to create three more focused and action driven teams. They are: Economic & Workforce Development, Livabiliy & Tourism, and Community Health (i.e. the Healthy Lodi Initiative).  In the coming years, you will see these three VATs working to better our community in the same capacity, just under the mantel Grow In Lodi. Thank you to everyone involved in the process of creating this amazing compilation of facts and strategies to make Lodi the best it can be by 2020. Without their countless hours of hard work and dedication, this publication would not have come to fruition. Our commitment as a 3C Chamber will not waver as we enter this new decade ready for what the future brings.

Working together, we will cause great things to happen.

THANK YOU to our Chariman Partners!
Lodi Business Development Committee
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